The Skin – our largest sexual organ

Reposted from Masquemusculos – May 22, 2020

When we think of pleasures, we immediately think of: sex, consequently this brings with it genital excitement, erection, vaginal lubrication, orgasm. Some will also think of wines, chocolates, delicious foods, perhaps moments alone; however, one of the most pleasant parts in intimacy, shared or alone is the experience of touching and being touched everywhere.
The simple fact of caressing ourselves, of pampering ourselves, of feeling ourselves, of feeling another person or feeling that another person touches us.

Allow our skin to speak; its texture, its smell, how soft or rough it can be in some places, how cold or warm it is, its sensitivity to certain diseases or how it bristles when touched, kissed, scratched, bitten and so many other ways of expressing ourselves. Our skin is our presentation card, our first dish, our bait.

I have always been a lover of body serum, oils and butters. I think they are sexy and stimulate my femininity, that feeling they leave on my skin makes me feel sexy and I love feeling that way.
Giving myself those minutes to rub my skin with an oil after a shower or as a preamble to my sexual encounter… even if it is only with myself, is one of my favorite pleasures.
I wish you would experience it and let me know what you think, create that sexy connection with yourself before…

One of the serums I have tried recently and which surprised me a lot, because its aroma is quite neutral, but the hydration and the velvety feeling on my skin has no way I can describe it in words; you must try it for yourself, and you can easily find it here: 

It is the Sexy Serum by Java Skin Care. Not only is it made with wonderful ingredients, but it is also vegan, for all skin types, free of parabens, sulfates and gluten. within its ingredients we find organic coffee, rosemary and vitamin – it really is great.

JAVA’s Hand Sanitizer Collab

We are very proud to tell you of our partnership with our local friends Sons of Liberty Distillery. Together, we are creating an immediate supply of Hand Sanitizer for customers to fight COVID-19.

R.I. Monthly Magazine has written a terrific article on our Partnership.

The back story: Mike and his team at Sons of Liberty started their journey a bunch of years ago as a distillery and have become one of New England’s up and coming companies. More recently, they launched their spirits line and beers.

One of the side products of distilling alcohol is ethanol. Mike and I talked about ethanol being a great sanitizer. Apparently we are right: one of the World Health Organization’s recommended hand sanitizer ingredients is ethanol.

Now, you know about our love for artisan and craft businesses so, we immediately jumped on the opportunity to work together. The result: a giveaway event of 2,000 bottles for local residents and the launch of a new product line to help you keep hands moisturized during these challenging times.

Remember that hand washing dries out skin, and more than average hand washing and/or with harsher solutions definitely dries out hands. Add Hand Serum to your products to soothe your now-clean skin to maintain it health, because clean dry skin is not good long term protection.

JAVA Labs Update:

Keep an eye on your email next week.  

We will be launching a brand new
Hand Sanitizer to help you fight
COVID-19 and protect your
family and loved ones.

4-3-20 MC JAVA Hand Sanitizer Production

Dry Hands from all the Hand Washing?

JAVA Skin Care is here to help.

With the emphasis that has been placed on hand washing to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we would like to provide some important points on the dos and don’ts of caring for our skin.

“Hand washes with antibacterial ingredients as well as alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be especially harsh and drying on your skin,” Shari Marchbein M.D., dermatologist and clinical assistant professor of dermatology at NYU School of Medicine, told Self Magazine.

Plus, you don’t really need to use those types of soaps to get rid of germs—the friction created by the mechanical act of washing of your hands as well as the surfactant cleaning ingredients in the soaps is what actually removes the microbes from your hands.

Although our understanding of how the new coronavirus spreads and how to protect ourselves from it is still developing, regularly washing your hands with soap and water (especially before touching your face and before/after eating) is one of a few tried-and-true public health strategies the CDC is recommending right now to prevent the spread of this particular virus.

So, yes, that does mean that actually washing your hands correctly—for at least 20 seconds—is absolutely necessary.

Our JAVA Body Wash is great for everyday use. It is aloe based with green coffee and argan oil. It offers a gentle but thorough Clean and is also Moisturizing. We have it On Sale now on our website, so you can have one at each sink in your home or business.

Hand washing with water and soap cleans and protects from virus germs and bacteria

We also have our AWESOME Body Serum which is perfect for moisturizing dry hands. The Serum is On Sale too.

Body Serum in our original Bottles

Be sure to LIKE and Follow our blog – we will continue to address ways to stay safe, healthy and keep your skin feeling awesome through this trying time.

Steph Says ~ Give Thanks

November is upon us. Thanksgiving with my family is very special to me. This is a great time of year to give thanks for all that we have. I also try to remember those less fortunate – here’s a reminder to all that Food Kitchens and Pantries are especially in need right now, so if you are able to make a donation, I encourage you to do so.

A perfect hostess gift for any dinner party can be a great bottle of Prosecco, cozy sweaters, or a special food item.

My favorite things this month:

Choosing the perfect Hostess Gift – I like to bring a bottle of Prosecco for the party and, to spoil my hostess, JAVA Skin Care products to enjoy the day after (we all know how stressful it can be to cook the turkey).

MACY’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City remains my family’s favorite holiday event. For years and years we have attended the parade… the kids are mesmerized by the floats. Truth be told, so am!

We are thrilled to be chosen again this year to participate in the Made on Honor Market Event for Narragansett Beer on Nov 23 & 24th. In an effort to include more businesses, they are moving this year’s event to the beautiful WaterFire Arts Center located at 475 Valley St. in Providence! The space is truly amazing and we couldn’t be more excited about it. Join us for two full days of holiday shopping, meet the people behind some of OUR favorite brands, and of course, we’ll be drinking plenty of beer. Best part? This is a FREE event and it is open to the public.

Our November Spotlight Product is the JAVA Discovery Collection.

The JAVA Discovery Collection is a four-part kit that includes mini sizes of our signature body care products: Body Serum, 1 oz.; Body Scrub, 2 oz.; Body Wash, 2 oz.; Body Bar, 1.5 oz.  

Together, this collection improves appearance of skin tone and fine lines, minimizes moisture loss, brightens and softens skin. This is perfect as an introduction to JAVA Skin Care or as a travel kit – all four products are TSA compliant.

Wishing you all a Healthy, Safe and Happy Thanksgiving



Steph Says: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is such a transition month.  We begin the month with summer-like days still lingering, with some 80 degree afternoons and beautiful beach days, but few beach-goers.

We end the month deep into Fall.  Leaves have turned and many have already fallen.  We celebrate Halloween (keep an eye open for our spooky sale later this month).

October is also National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At JAVA Skin Care, as a women-owned and run business,  women’s health issues are always of highest concern to us. We are acutely aware of the battles faced by so many women – as well as men- who are fighting for their lives every day with Breast Cancer. We would like to share some facts and links to breast cancer information as part of our support of this very important annual worldwide campaign:

WearItPInk tells us:

“The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed, the better the chance of successful treatment. So it’s important to check your breasts regularly and see your GP if you notice a change.

Common breast cancer signs and symptoms include:

  • a lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest or armpit – you might feel the lump but not see it
  • a change to the skin, such as puckering or dimpling
  • a change in the color of the breast – the breast may look red or inflamed
  • a change to the nipple, for example it has become pulled in (inverted)
  • rash or crusting around the nipple
  • any unusual liquid (discharge) from either nipple
  • changes in size or shape of the breast” 1

…and, from The American Cancer Society:

“How Common Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancers. Currently, the average risk of a woman in the United States developing breast cancer sometime in her life is about 12%. This means there is a 1 in 8 chance she will develop breast cancer. This also means there is a 7 in 8 chance she will never have the disease. 

Current year estimates for breast cancer

The American Cancer Society’s estimates for breast cancer in the United States for 2019 are: 

  • About 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. 
  • About 62,930 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer). 
  • About 41,760 women will die from breast cancer.” 2

“There are some things that might be risk factors for breast cancer, but the research is not yet clear about whether they really affect breast cancer risk.

A great deal of research has been reported and more is being done to understand possible environmental influences on breast cancer risk.

Chemicals in the environment that have estrogen-like properties are of special interest. For example, substances found in some plastics, certain cosmetics and personal care products, pesticides, and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) seem to have such properties. In theory, these could affect breast cancer risk.” 3

Here are some links for more information:

American Cancer Society

JAVA Skin Care Ingredients

Breast Cancer Action warns of possible link between cancer and cosmetics:

“Many cosmetics contain chemicals known as parabens and phthalates, which recent studies indicate may be linked to cancer development…

… Many diseases like cancer, asthma, birth defects, and learning disabilities are on the rise, and growing evidence indicates that these health problems are linked to the chemicals we are exposed to in our air, water, food, and everyday products. It’s time we start acting to protect human health.” 4

At JAVA Skin Care, we believe that everything we put on our bodies can make a difference in our overall health . Our skin is our largest organ and it is responsible for keeping every other organ and other parts protected. It is also porous, and as such, absorbs many of the products that we lather on. For this reason, we only use non-toxic, all-natural ingredients in every one of our JAVA Skin Care products. If you have concerns about what you are putting on your body, then check us out.

This month, we are offering our Wonderbar Soaps at 20% off. Get yourself a healthy, moisturizing clean!

Breast Cancer touches all of us, whether it is through our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers or more directly, ourselves.  Together, through research, awareness, education, and early detection, we will make a difference and a cure will be found.





Steph Says ~ Back to School

Summer in Rhode Island lasts through the end of September with warm temperatures.  It really is one of my favorite times of the year… I know, I say that each season… lol.

CSA – Coastal Growers Market

I love going to Farmers’ Markets and picking up local vegetables. The Casey Farm (Saunderstown, RI) Market is one of our best markets and is located on a historic working farm. Truly a lovely location.

Fresh Eggs are a special treat  We get ours from the Future Farmers of America, Narragansett High School Program… Do you know about FFA? It is a dynamic youth organization that changes lives and prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. FFA develops members’ potential and helps them discover their talent through hands-on experiences, which give them the tools to achieve real-world success.

With my children back in school and breakfast such an important meal to fuel up for their day, I use the veggies from the market and the eggs from FFA to make my “famous” frittata… well, maybe not so famous… but so good!

I use an awesome recipe from Ina Garten aka Barefoot Contessa, which you can see here: Roasted Garden Frittata

Speaking of favorites, our Demitasse Lip Duo is a favorite of mine and of JAVA Skin Care customers based on being one of our top sellers.  Repair and rejuvenate your lips from the summer and get ready for the fall.

Java Demitasse Lip Scrub and Lip Balm are a delicious and all-natural way for your lips to look smooth and  and plump using only the highest quality ingredients featuring our signature organic raw coffee argan oil infusion and loaded with caffeine and antioxidants. Both products are Inspired by the French Espresso Romano that is served with a twist of lemon. Gently exfoliate with our lip scrub to prime your lips and then follow with our lip balm to protect and shine.

Get 20% off the Demitasse Lip Duo throughout September.



Steph Says ~ Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer

The dog days of summer have arrived, and I am committed to enjoying e-v-e-r-y last minute of it!

This is my dog Driftwood. He is the JAVA Mascot. He even has his own Insta Page – he loves to get follows @driftwoodyyyyyy. He is a Saint Bern-doodle, a combo of a Saint Bernard and a standard Poodle. I must admit, he is the coolest dog because doesn’t shed, doesn’t drool and has the temperament of a Saint. He is pretty big at 85 pounds, but as gentle as can be. He loves to swim and take baths.

Paddle Boarding Anyone?

Paddle Boarding

My new obsession is paddle boarding. At the end of my street is a saltwater river that is perfect to paddle board on. We even do Full Moon Paddles. The next Full Moon is August 15th. These evening events are amazing. If you are into paddle-boarding, I highly recommend a this lunar experience. Friends have offered to teach me paddle board yoga, but I struggle with yoga on land…lol…so I’ll pass on that for now, anyway. Here is my recommended Kayak Rental Shop in Narragansett RI: Narrow River Kayaks

The Leo New Moon is Here

Speaking of the moon, we have a New Moon In Leo July 31st. This is going to be a game changer that will take us into August. During this new lunar cycle we’ll all feel profoundly confident putting our dreams and desires in the forefront of our minds and missions. Read more… 

August Product of the Month

As summer races to a close, our skin is feeling the effects of sun, wind and salt water… I have been exfoliating and it makes my worn skin GLOW with new life! 

Our BODY SCRUB blends our signature organic raw coffee argan oil infusion with roasted coffee to create an all-natural exfoliator that smooths, moisturizes and softens skin. Scrub in gentle circles all over the body to quickly remove the superficial layer of dead skin cells, instantly making skin look more youthful. Reduces the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks, and rough patches, and other skin conditions. Can be used on skin imperfections anywhere on the body from the neck down. Shop Now

Because it is the August Product of the Month you will receive 20% off the price on our website.

Steph Says- Beat the Heat

July is awesome in Rhode Island. The weather, the beach and all the events we have keep our days filled with fun. Some on my favorites are: 

The Bristol Parade 

The Annual Bristol 4th of July Celebration began in 1785 when  Rev. Henry Wight of the  First Congregational Church and a Veteran of the Revolutionary War conducted the first Patriotic Exercises. 

We pack our chairs, make a picnic and enjoy the day. 

We will be at the beach for the Fireworks on July 4th.  Such a fun family day… 

Clam cakes and Chowder 
Monahans Dock, Narragansett RI 

Hands down our favorite place to get the perfect lunch… and the view is spectacular. 

How are you spending July? I would love to here about your favorite things to do. 

During all this fun… please remember to care for your skin. Stayed covered and wear SPF. 

This month JAVA is featuring Body Wash.. Why we love it: 
luxurious bubble 
soothing organic aloe vera base 
moisturizing argan oil 
sweet almond oil scent

Pro Tip: 
Run out of shampoo? Forgot to buy face cleanser? Good thing our body 
wash is the queen of multitasking! Lather up your body, face AND hair for 
beautiful moisturized goodness thanks to all that organic aloe and argan oil 
Also great for a bubble-bath.

20% off Body Wash throughout July

Steph Says: It’s June – Let Summer Fun Begin!!

We are fortunate to live in and work from Narragansett, RI… our beaches have won numerous awards for their beauty. It is a special place that I invite you all to visit.

Travel + Leisure has named Narragansett Beach one of the The Best Beaches in the U.S. for Celebrating July 4th

As I look forward to summer, some of my favorite things are:

Lobster Rolls – we go down to the docks of Point Judith, RI and buy lobsters right off the boats.

We also have amazing places to sit and enjoy the views with a glass of wine. My favorite place is the Coast Guard House… Stunning!

As you may know, I love to garden, and my Peonies are beginning to bloom. I always struggle with wanting to cut them for a table center piece but coming up the walkway to the front door and seeing them each day is such a wonderful experience. I tend to leave them alone; maybe I need to plant more of them so I can enjoy them both ways… note to self: plant more peonies.

This time of year, my skin needs some extra help.  The winter has been cold, the spring has been wet, so I use our JAVA Trio to show off my skin in all my fun summer clothes.

Our JAVA Trio products are used by our spa customers across the country to help reduce the feel and appearance of cellulite and other skin imperfections and maintain a healthier and glowing look.

Each JAVA Trio product contains JAVA’s signature raw coffee – argan oil infusion, packed with caffeine and antioxidants to help you get your skin refreshed and healthier.

The Collection Contains:

JAVA SKIN CARE Coffee Bean and Raw Sugar Scrub – 8 oz.

JAVA SKIN CARE Organic Raw Coffee Body Serum – 4 oz.

JAVA Wonderbar Coffee Exfoliating Soap – 6 oz.

The JAVA Trio is our Product of the Month. Try it for 10% off just by following this link: JAVA TRIO

I would love to hear what you think after you have used the Trio Routine.


Here is the at-home version of the Skin Smoothing Spa Protocol used in 5-star spas across the country:

Before showering, apply JAVA Body Scrub to dry skin in a circular motion, towards the heart, with even pressure to any “affected” areas (any dimply or less than firm spot on your body, legs, bottom, tummy, upper arms, scars and stretch marks). Scrub gently for three to five minutes. The circular massage will redistribute fat evenly, decrease fluid retention and increase circulation. 

Next, wrap the area with a towel, and let the mixture soak in for fifteen minutes. While you wait, relax; flip through your favorite magazine while the antioxidants and caffeine absorb deep into your skin to detoxify and strengthen.

Shower off to rinse your skin. Partially pat dry – you want your skin to be slightly damp.

Now, massage JAVA Serum into affected areas (and while you’re at it, go ahead and smooth that serum all over your body). Not only will the serum deliver antioxidants and caffeine deep into your skin’s upper layer, it will create a moisture barrier to continue to keep your skin soft and supple all day.

Use the scrub and wrap protocol three days a week until desired effect is achieved. After that, continue scrubbing once a week and use the wrap protocol as needed.

On days that you’re not using the scrub, use Wonderbar Coffee Natural Exfoliating Soap in the shower in a circular massage on effected areas to maintain the fat distribution and deliver caffeine and antioxidants to your skin.

As always, finish your shower with JAVA Serum.

We recommend you use this as a part of your body-bettering routine. Use in conjunction with regular exercise and a healthy diet for best results.

This is not a weight or fat loss product or program. Results may vary.

Happy Summer,



Steph Says: May is for Mothers

During this month of May, I would like to honor all our mothers with this poem and wish them all a wonderful Mother’s Day filled with love and joy!

Mothers – Believe in us more than we believe in ourselves

Do more for us then they do for themselves

Worry about us more than we realize

Pray for us more then we will ever know

Value us more than anything else in the world

Give us more than they can afford

Love us more than anyone else can

Matter more than words can express

We want to spoil our mothers so we have a very special gift…Our Double Shot Body Serum is on sale and we are offering a limited edition Mint Lip Duo as a gift with purchase. This Mint Lip Duo is not available any where else…it is so minty fresh!

mg_0301-copyOur luxury Double-Shot Body Serum is brimming with a concentrated blend of our signature organic raw coffee and organic argan oil. This non-greasy formula delivers a double-shot of antioxidants and caffeine, protecting and giving skin a youthful glow. Simply smooth a small amount over clean, damp skin to lock in moisture with this special blend for a smooth satin finish without heavy residue. Perfect for extra-dry skin.

JAVA Double-Shot super-moisturizes, brightens and softens skin, adds a sheen to newly shaved legs and makes tattoos pop.

Ingredients: argania spinosa (argan) kernel oil*, raw coffea (coffee) arabica*, carthamus tinctorius (safflower) oil*, prunus amygdalus dulcis (sweet almond) oil, cucurbita pepo (pumpkin seed) oil, whole raw coffea (coffee) arabica*, vanilla planifolia essential oil, honey absolute, rosmarinus officinalism (rosemary) leaf extract, tocopherol (vitamin e), styrax tonkinensis  *Organic

Free with $25 or more order
Month of May only

Happy Mothers Day!
